This retreat is all things Shamanic! A journey of self discovery, also learning techniques that will boost your shamanic experience on this earth.
Students will learn how to use altered states, medicine wheel techniques, honoring scared space and directions, connect with mother earth and how to use her masterful power, find your own Shaman spirit, release from your shadow and of course journey to the upper and lower worlds!
Held in the beautiful Cannington Grange in Sommerset, England, UK this range is steeped in history and a beautiful building with lots of facilities swimming pool, games room and much more.
Paul Says……
“Its an absolute honor to be a tutor on this retreat! Working with some of the worlds best tutors on all things spiritual! Cannington Grange is gloriously stunning. What a place to go on a personal journey, I know because I’ve had my own journey there!”
The Shamans Way Retreat Run by international Physical medium Jo Bradley
Tutors- Paul Newman, Dawn Russell and Freddie Valentine.